Monday, May 5, 2014


of the martyrs
I am a child of war...
I am a child of the unknown,
A child of nothingness, born from a womb 
of an explosive circle for diversity remains its only curse.
I am a child of bombs, running naked down the stairs thirsting for shelter.
I am a child of chaos, a child of moans and cries.
I am a child of a revolution that slayed innocent souls, imprisoned hundreds and 
betrayed its whole society.
I am a child of the late 80's, burdened with tons of misunderstandings, tied to a dirty past 
though I never existed.
I am a child of loath, born with a horrible disgust that grew within me day by day and year by year.
I am a child of the forgotten massacres, 
I was executed at birth for religion remains our master and we, the slaves.
I am a child of wrath, a child of an unwanted identity thrown upon my shoulders like an ugly  creature.
I am a child of a distinct criminal, of a blood handed president, I am a child of the 100 year old parliament and I am the elector and partner in crime.
I am a child of a foreign language, a child of the universal cedars.
I am a child of a kidnapped future,
lost present and forgotten past.

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